Castlebrook Manor

Castlebrook Manor, Castletroy, Limerick

Project involved the construction of 82 houses and all associated siteworks at Castletroy, Limerick.
Full Quantity
Surveying services were provided across all project Stages 1-5. Our services & responsibilities were always delivered in an efficient and timely manner, to coincide with the target dates set by Lioncor Development for Stage Reports 2 & 3.

A senior Quantity Surveyor was assigned lead responsibility by CuddyQS,
whom called upon other QS resources in-house to assist in the timely
delivery of services through stages 1-5. A dedicated QS team, governed by
the Senior QS was established to deliver Stage 2 & 3 Cost Estimates,
Pricing Documents and associated Tender documents.
Interim payment Applications, when received from the main contractor
were assessed diligently and in a timely manner, so as to ensure the
smooth administration of the project and ensure adherence to the
Employers obligations under the Contract. the same approach was
exercised with regards to claimed variations and proposed instructions by
the Employers Representative
Quality: CuddyQS delivered this project to a very high level of quality as
per the client requirements.

Client: Lioncor Development
Value: €16.3m
Completed: 2019

5ebac1c7914735f39e0dc140_Aerial Castklebrook
5ea82c93155b9629c97e3c6c_Exterior 4 Bed-p-500
5ebab5146d2be48323c3594b_3 Bed sitting Room Castletroy
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