Civil Works for South Dublin County Council

Variety of projects delivered by Nicolas de Jong Architects for South Dublin County Council. Nicholas de Jong Associates has been established since 1984 in the UK and 2001 in Ireland, providing Land Planning, Urban Design and Landscape Architectural services for public and private sector clients throughout the UK, Ireland and many countries overseas. CuddyQS provided Quantity Surveying services to Nicolas de Jong Architects on the projects.

The projects currently underway are:

Whitestown Stream Park, Tallaght
Upgrade of existing boundaries and access points. Provide new footpath at Cloonmore to complete footpath loop. Overlay existing footpaths. Upgrade existing bridge linking Bawnlea Avenue and Cloonmore Road and provide with 2 new bridges one at either end of the stream. Remove graffiti as required from boundary walls and other locations, with the enhancement of existing service gates. Removal low-level wall on the Southeast boundary of the park and incorporate landscape design into the recently completed N81 cycle scheme. Construction of new boundary with access point at Cloonmore Ave & Gort lar. Re-position boundaries (hidden corners) with possible future land ownership transfer from SDCC to 3rd parties (any land ownership transfer will be subject to a separate decision by the council). Existing public lighting to be upgraded and proposed installation of new lighting columns. Planting of tree, shrubs, and wildflowers/bulbs and other plants. ­Play/exercise trail every 100m. Installation of natural play area adjacent Cloonmore Rd. All associated landscape design including furniture and planting. All ancillary works.

Jobstown Park, Tallaght
Upgrade of existing boundaries and access points including provision of focal entrances. A shared pedestrian/cycle route with lighting columns linking Butler McGee Park to Whitestown Stream Park, via Dromcarra Estate. Upgrading existing footpaths where required, install new secondary footpath linkages and realignment of other footpaths. Retention of existing sports pitches (northern pitch re-orientated) – refurbished where necessary with drainage and re-levelling. Four new pedestrian entrances to provide access into the Leisure Centre, in the southeast, southwest and the northeast of the site. Retaining existing kissing gates and upgrade where required. An activity circuit 900m long – with seats and play/exercise equipment. A provision for teenspace area, fitness/workout area, natural play areas, pump track and natural play mounds. The provision of on-street parking and associated hard and soft landscaping on Fortunestown Way. Retention and replanting of existing hedgerows. Attenuation swales for enhanced biodiversity. Planting of trees, shrubs, hedgerows, and bulbs. All associated landscape works. All ancillary works.

Quarryvale Park, Clondalkin:
New Park layout including new and upgraded pathways. Shared footpath/cycle routes linking the main entrance at the Fonthill Road to Shancastle Lawns and Greenfort Gardens including street lighting and formal trees. Pedestrian areas with seating. Playground and Teen Space. Repair to broken sections of periphery wall and the installation of a new boundary fence. Existing oak trees retained. Provision for active recreation.
800m Activity Circuit around the periphery of the park. Relocation and upgrade of Grass Sports Pitch. Biodiversity improvements – existing boundary hedge retained, grass meadowland management bands, bulbs in linear strips, informal native tree groups.  All associated landscape design including street furniture, surfacing and signage. All ancillary works.

St. Cuthberts Park, Deansrath
Proposed hard-surfaced primary walking/ cycling route with public lighting; traversing east-west, through the park. Proposed hard-surfaced secondary walking/ cycling routes through the park; 3 No. Nodal points with seating as required; Proposed on-street car parking and pedestrian crossing points (subject to detailed design with SDCC Roads Dept.); Proposed vantage point, seating and signage; Proposed Teenspace area with equipment, seating and surfacing; Proposed outdoor exercise area with calisthenics or similar; Proposed natural and equipped playspaces for children; Proposed performance/ events area; Proposed dogs off-leash area with dog-friendly features; Proposed arboretum with edible fruits and nut trees; Proposed grass sports pitches; Proposed Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) with floodlighting; Proposed play/exercise trail along the walking / cycling routes. Proposed new planting to include: wildflower grassland with drifts of native bulbs; formal avenue trees; informal tree groups; community woodland; informal tree groups with native species; and other planting as required; Vegetation clearance of St Cuthberts Church, Moated Site and Graveyard Site and further assessment of works to conserve the structure as advised; (Monuments of Archaeological Interest and a Protected Structure); Seating, bicycle parking and signage; Works to boundaries, accesses and entrances; All associated landscape design including furniture and planting; All ancillary works.